For student/post-doctoral positions

We welcome your visit to Kanno-Suzuki Laboratory.

Please contact in advance by E-mail

Ryoji Kanno
Kota Suzuki
Naoki Matsui

For student position

For post-doctoral position


Tokyo Institute of Technology
G1 Building 10th Floor
G1-1 4259 Nagatsuta,
Midori-ku, Yokohama

For companies and interviewers

Please adust schedule in advance through following contact information.

Specially Appointed Professor
Masaki Ikematsu,

Kanno-Hirayama Laboratory

Has been researching in the boundary region of solid-state chemistry and electrochemistry, electrochemical devices deployed to investigate synthesize the substances

Research Keywords

  • Energy storage and convention material, Super ionic conductor
  • Lithium battery, Fuel cell, All-solid-state battery
  • Structures at electrode/electrolyte interface, Solid State Ionics
  • Inorganic synthetic chemistry, Solid state electrochemistry, Neutron scattering

As portable electronics become more ubiquitous in our society, a need for a high performance battery has become more important to sustain this every increasing need for portable power. Clean energy sources have also been deemed essential to the cause of environmental protection. These new energy sources which will support our lives of the future are chemical energy conversion devices such as fuel cells and lithium batteries. We are creating and investigating materials that are crucial components of these chemical energy conversion devices, with our goals to develop materials with superior characteristics.

What's news

Oct 06, 2023
“Research Achievement (Publicatiobs)”&”Members” have been updated.
Jul 12, 2023
Developed super lithium ion conductor with the world’s highest conductivity solid electrolyte
Jun 06, 2023
EVTeC2023 Young Investigator Awards
Jan 19, 2023
Research Achievement (Presentations at Academic Meetings)” has been updated
Aug 18, 2022
Research Achievement (Presentations at Academic Meetings)” has been updated.