For student/post-doctoral positions

We welcome your visit to Kanno-Suzuki Laboratory.

Please contact in advance by E-mail

Ryoji Kanno
Kota Suzuki
Naoki Matsui

For student position

For post-doctoral position


Tokyo Institute of Technology
G1 Building 10th Floor
G1-1 4259 Nagatsuta,
Midori-ku, Yokohama

For companies and interviewers

Please adust schedule in advance through following contact information.

Specially Appointed Professor
Masaki Ikematsu,



Since 2000, our laboratory has been working on material development for energy conversion devices, or better known as batteries and fuel cells of electrochemical devices, based on solid-state chemistry and electrochemistry.

 Future energy devices are now in the limelight as an effective solution to the radical increase of energy and environmental issues. The huge demand in our society on the development of electric automobiles, which emit zero carbon dioxide calls for highly efficient storage battery systems. Much effort has been put into the realization of a social system with hydrogen and fuel cells as a power generation system. The development of such a new system with less environmental load is highly desired for the future.

 Materials are the key factor in making new futuristic devices. Electrochemical devices such as lithium batteries and fuel cells, of which research and development we have been carrying out, have specific features, which would eventually decide the features of their devices. In particular, we are working on the development of inorganic solid materials for new energy devices. They are the new energy conversion devices made of completely new materials with newly developed functions. It is a hard and steady effort, but we strongly believe that our research will bring a breakthrough in the near future.

To give one example of the importance of an energy conversion device, let us talk about the lithium battery. Since the lithium battery came into use in 1991, it has been widely used in various devices, and has particularly become an essential element for computers and mobiles. This example shows that the development of a new prominent energy device will have a great impact on our society.

Once a storage battery system and a power generation system are developed for use in the future as desirable electrochemical devices, their impact will be unlimited. Electrochemical devices are made of the combinations of materials with various features including anodes, cathodes, and electrolytes. Our laboratory aims to develop new materials with such features and to create completely new devices.

Ryoji Kanno

Prof.Kanno was awarded the 52nd Ichimura Prize and the Ichimura Science Award.
The theme of the award is “creation of Superionic Conductors and Development of All-Solid-State Batteries”.

Please see FACES No16 Tokyo Tech Researchers Ryoji Kanno

Prof.Kanno was awarded the Kato Memorial Award.